I’ve spent 5+ years going back and forth trying to get myself to commit to either Omnifocus or Things, and 2Do actually stuck with me because it is so flexible with how much information you can attach to each task, and because it’s so unambiguous. Projects, checklists, lists, and groups actually MAKE SENSE to me, unlike the confusing hierarchies I find in other apps, and I don’t feel like the app is getting in the way of staying organized by trying to force a system onto me. I’ve been able to build my own system and adapt it over time, which is a relief to finally experience.
The glaring weakness for me is the promise of the search/smart list system compared to its actual capability. For example, while I can create a smart list containing all tasks in lists X and Y that have tag Z, I cannot create one that contains all tasks in list Y, plus tasks in all other lists that have tags Y and Z. If I want to make a “Computer” smart list that contains my iPhone and Mac lists, as well as tasks in all lists with email and link actions, I cannot do this. Once you specify a regular list while defining a smart list, it appears you can only filter tasks within that regular lists, for no discernable reason. It could be as simple as "(List: iphone AND mac AND all(action: email, link))”, but it’s not. So the smart list system is pretty limited and messy, as is.
cozyumbrella about 2Do