What are you doing NOW!!! Just Buy and Give it a TRY!!!
If someone is hesitated in purchasing this app, Let me give a time to tell my experience.
I was skeptical about buying 2DO because there are so many free or cheap app all around.
$24.99(though for 50%) seemed expensive for my NOW budget.
BUT I just take risk to adventure to try it!!!
Just Quick Look for 2 hours!
My conclusion is GOOD CHOICE!!!
It is GREAT!!! Awesome!!!
My choice is wonderful!
1. My Yahoo acount syncing is fast with my iPad air2 app(I also buy $7.99) and wonderfully seamless connected!
2. I love today widget in right side of my mac screen! 2DO is right things done.
3. so many detail function that I will love to connect with other method or app.
My chice is great and only practice is making that worthwhile and valuable!!!
Thanks developer for discount. If $49.99, I wouldn’t buy! But 2DO is enough to buy for more than $49.99.
Now It is my conclusion "Be brave for $24.99 to take it! ONLY Brave Heart can be productive.”
Thank you for reading! And Have A NICE 2016!
p.s. I buy and use HazeOver app. Good for matching 2DO!